By Tanika
#15: Buy a big trash can and try to draw your own _Gargoyles_ spin-off. You can do whatever you want! *evil glint in eyes*
#14: Three letters--V, C, and R. :)
#13: Take a Latin class
#12: Read Shakespeare
#11: Read Arthurian legends
#10: Read Norse mythology
#9: Write petitions to save _Gargoyles_
#8: Watch _Star Trek_; any _Star Trek_, pick a _Star Trek_!
#7: Dash to your computer and immediately get online. Look for _Gargoyles_ websites like the one you're probably reading this list on
#6: Practice your magic spells. "Omnes conspecti, omnes auditi, In nocte usque ad saxum commutate..."
#5: Write fanfiction
#4: Write Top Ten lists
#3: Put on a black shirt, the tightest pair of blue jeans you can find (or just paint your legs blue) and a red jacket, and don't change for a few years. (I'm sorry! I can't stop putting references to Elisa's clothes in my lists! I just can't help it! I'll try to stop...)
#2: If you're musical and have an instrument, pick it up and learn to play the Gargoyles theme song
#1: Find the Phoenix Gate, and every Friday when _Gargoyles_ is over, use it to go to Monday right before the show starts again. "Deflagrate muri tempi et intervalia!"