Gargoyles Sit Watching

By Kevin Vaudrick

On a massive skyscraper, atop a moonlit city
A gargoyle towers above, though feels no pity
He ponders the thought, whether man will survive
For superiority is what the people strive

With a heart carved from ancient stone
The gargoyle sits atop a city's wondrous throne
He watches as one man destroys another's creations
And in horror as a war develops between nations

The gargoyle, as others like him, will wait
For the day of judgement, man's true fate
Gargoyles sit watching, the turmoil that will erupt
Due to man's unmistakable iron will to corrupt

At night the gargoyles laugh, for what they know
Near the apocalypse, man will become too slow
And nights filled with darkness, will be ruled by one
Gargoyles will be spared, under Earth's blazing sun

Once again, the gargoyles may live life with joy
With man's broken bones, they will happily toy
With a sense of pity, gargoyles will view man's fate
For man knew what he had done, though it was too late

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