Hello, rookery sibs. I have some good news, and some bad news. First, the bad news.
At the moment, I am in the process of dismantling The Aerie. It has been wonderful maintaining it this past year, but outside obligations, and other on-line projects are making it harder to keep this web page going. When I first created it, I saw it as an overall show page; as time went on, I realized its strength was in the small filk and poetry archive I'd started. Unfortunately, I am already running another fan page, as well as keeping an archive for another animated series.
I will be just as active in Gargoyles fandom and on-line; part of the reason for the change is that I would like to spend more time working on fan fiction.
Now, the good news: I am passing on the filk songs, top ten lists, and Batya's now famous "Everything I Ever Needed To Know..." file to the archive experts, the Guardians of The Avalon Archive. Together they have created an extraodinary page--I urge you to visit there as soon as possible. You can send your filk and poetry to angela@pridelands.org.
Thanks to DumlaoX who shouldered the Gargoyle Themes Songs List; and to Angela, Guardian of The Avalon Archive. And thanks to all who supported The Aerie.
- Constance "Eilonwy" Cochran